Simple Ways to Bring an Autistic Person Joy

Hello!  Today I’m delighted to share some tips with you on how to bring an autistic person joy.  Maybe you have an autistic loved one, an autistic client, or you yourself are autistic and looking to find a little more happiness in your day.  Here are some simple, easy ways to make an autistic person feel content.

Listen to them talk about their special interests.  Everyone appreciates a good listening ear, and the same goes for autistic people, especially when they’re passionate about something.  Take a moment to pay attention and ask questions.  They’ll really enjoy it!

Take them somewhere soothing.  Autistic people tend not to like the hustle and bustle of busy places.  Try bringing them somewhere where they can relax.  A cozy room, a nature park, and a quiet car for a quick road trip are great ideas!

Compliment them.  While it’s important not to compliment autistic people just for the sake of it, a genuine, thoughtful compliment can go a long way.  Appreciate their passion, their inquisitiveness, their sense of justice, or any other noble trait they have.  A self-esteem boost is always wonderful!

Give them a little gift.  Some autistic people really enjoy little trinkets, fidgets, art, and treats.  Get them something that will be both useful and interesting to them.  Consider their special interests, needs, likes, and dislikes.  Even something handmade is great!

Respect their boundaries.  Autistic people often have their boundaries disregarded because of their diagnosis or general neurotypical customs.  Ask them how you can help them feel more comfortable and respect their space.

Joke with them.  A lot of autistic people love being included in casual conversation, as it’s something many miss out on.  Don’t be afraid to toss them a quick joke or a remark on a situation.  They’ll appreciate that you thought to talk to them.  Just make sure your jokes are kind and understandable to your audience.

There are plenty of ways you can brighten an autistic person’s day.  Any gesture, however small from your perspective, can be very influential in their life.  They’re sure to enjoy your thoughtfulness!