Weekly Update 10/7/21 – Connections

Hey everyone!  Welcome back to another weekly update.  This week, I spent a lot of time trying to connect with myself and others.

A Struggle From This Week

This week, I struggled with trying to connect with myself.  There were things I wanted to do that for whatever reason – fatigue, burnout, lack of motivation – I just couldn’t.  I definitely had to listen to myself and try to do what was best for my mental and physical health at the moment, but it was still really frustrating that I didn’t have my to-do list done.  I also struggled with figuring out what I wanted, not only in terms of work, but in hobbies as well.  Nothing seemed intriguing, but neither did rest.  It was difficult trying to decipher all these messages I was getting from my mind and body.

I’m working through this by continuing to write down my goals and taking it one step at a time.  I’m looking at how far I’ve come, even within the last couple months, and reminding myself that I’m going to keep improving, no matter how I feel at the moment.  I’ll regain my energy and be able to continue working toward my goals.  I’ll be okay!

A Win From This Week

While I had a bit of trouble connecting with myself, I did pretty well connecting with others.  I’m not particularly extroverted, but it’s nice to be able to chat with people every once in a while.  I spent Sunday at my boyfriend’s dorm with him.  We just hung out and walked and just generally had a good time.  I also spent an evening with some friends during the week and it was very refreshing to just sit and talk with them.  I’ve also been using social media to catch up with friends I haven’t seen in a while.  It’s been nice.  Having these connections with others can be really grounding.  It reminds me that even if I’m a little lost myself, I’m not alone.  I appreciate that.