Weekly Update 9/9/21 – The Great Escape

This week, I spent time traveling and daydreaming.  Something I’ve been working on is improving my mental health, and having an escape has been super beneficial as it allows me to forget about my worries for a little while and focus on new possibilities.

A Struggle From This Week

One struggle I had this week is trying to figure out how I can use escapism in a healthy way.  More specifically, I want to incorporate new, unexplored elements into my life without just running away.  Right now, I’m trying to handle a difficult situation at theater.  Theater is important to me and I don’t want to abandon it forever, but something in the present needs to change in order to refresh my perspective.

One of the ideas I have is to keep building on my style.  I can’t help but think that if I were to use my clothes and makeup to support me, I’d feel like a different person and be better able to adapt to challenges.  Recently, I’ve discovered that covering my face and/or hair, such as wearing a bandana or headscarf, helps me feel more safe and secure.  I think having this small change could work wonders for me, as it allows me to have something new while also helping me feel comfortable.  Sewing is one of my hobbies, so I’d love to start designing and creating some outfits for myself.

Another thing I enjoy is discovering new worlds through words.  I’ve been working on reading more, so I’m immersing myself in different universes while still having the ability to go back to the present.  I also enjoy writing, so I’m trying to find inspiration to create my own worlds.

Lastly, I like being able to walk around outside.  It’s relieving to just be alone in nature for a little bit.  Plus, there’s a lot of beauty out there.  There are gorgeous plants and streams brushed in sunlight.  Animals saunter through the landscape, and some of them are open to interaction.  It’s so sweet!  I enjoy being outside, but with time, transportation, and weather, it’s not always possible.  In that case, though it sounds silly, I have Minecraft on my phone.  Of course it’s not the same, but it still allows me to explore and see an outside world.

I think, in short, I’m an escapist, though I’m doing my best to exercise this in a healthy manner as opposed to just leaving everything.  I’m proud of myself for the steps I’m taking to help myself feel better.

A Win From This Week

Something I got to do this weekend that was super helpful was go on vacation.  Sure, it was only a weekend trip to my grandparents’ cottage, but it was much needed.  It’s out in the countryside and near a lake, so I was able to experience all that while still having a familiar anchor point.

I spent some time on the beach by myself.  I was able to sit and dig in the sand, something I found very soothing.  I also sat on the dock and dipped my feet in the water.  It was cool, but not frigid, and the sound of the waves against the few boats that were left was a great soundtrack.

I also took about an hour and a half on Sunday to walk down a country road.  The temperature was around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  There were a couple clouds in the blue sky and a nice breeze.  Crickets buzzed and leapt in the grass.  I sang a little to myself, using my footsteps crunching on the gravel as a metronome.  As I walked, I passed some cornfields, as well as a meadow and a Christmas tree farm.  I chatted with one of the neighbors about how pretty the meadow was.  On the way back, I picked some tiny ferns and met a cute little garter snake crossing the road.  I made sure it got to the other side okay.  It was curious about me, but not hostile, and ultimately slithered into the plants once I passed.  I know this isn’t the most popular opinion, but I like snakes.  Thankfully it was the only wildlife I encountered.  I didn’t know until I got back, but there had been recent reports of black bear along that road.  Yikes!  Good thing I didn’t meet one of those.

I can’t wait to go out again and explore more new places.  Though, next time, I’ll make sure I’m in a safe location!