Explaining autism from the perspective of an autistic woman.
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- Autism and AnimalsWhile autistic people may have trouble interacting with their own species, they may find success with others. Autistic people tend to love animals.
- Autistic LegsLast week I wrote about autistic arms, so this week, I wanted to continue the topic of autistic mannerisms and talk about autistic legs!
- Autistic ArmsThis week I want to talk about an interesting (and rather lighthearted) aspect of autistic life, and that is what we do with our arms!
- Professionals and Poor TreatmentToday I want to talk about a serious issue a lot of autistic people face, and that is poor treatment by “professionals.”
- The Importance of Comfort Characters and Media for Autistic PeopleHey everyone! Today I’m going to discuss comfort characters and media and why they’re especially important for autistic people, as well as share some of mine.
- Observations about Autistic CommunicationToday I want to share some things I’ve noticed about autistic communication styles that neurotypicals may initially misunderstand or not even be aware of. These observations are fascinating to me and I’m so excited to share them with you!
- How Autistic People Experience PainToday I want to delve into a topic that I don’t see discussed very often, and that is how autistic people feel pain.
- What Autistic Food Difficulties Feel LikeA couple months ago, I wrote a post on Facebook to my friends and family about what autistic food sensory issues are like. I’m going to repost that here so I can further spread this awareness, and maybe some of you can even relate.