Autistic Emmalyn

A blog from an autistic woman

Hey there!

Welcome to my blog! Here I post helpful tips for fellow autistic people and their families, details about what autism feels like, and how autism has affected me in my personal life.

See What’s New

  • Weekly Update 11/11/21 – Expectations
    I went into this week with a lot of expectations for events and activities.  While not everything worked out how I’d planned, it still turned out very well!
  • Autism and Animals
    While autistic people may have trouble interacting with their own species, they may find success with others. Autistic people tend to love animals.
  • Weekly Update 11/4/21 – Simplifying
    This week, I felt overwhelmed by a lot of little happenings, so I spent time simplifying things.
  • How Autism Affects My Other Conditions
    Since autism is not my only disorder, I wanted to share how it affects the symptoms of the other conditions I have.
  • Weekly Update 10/28/21 – Plans
    Welcome back to another weekly update!  This week, I focused a lot on plans.
  • Weekly Update 10/21/21 – Stagnation
    I’ve been feeling a sense of stagnation in my life recently, so I’ve been trying to combat it by making small, meaningful changes.
  • Autistic Legs
    Last week I wrote about autistic arms, so this week, I wanted to continue the topic of autistic mannerisms and talk about autistic legs!
  • Weekly Update 10/14/21 – Expanding the Environment
    This week, I spent time expanding my environment – that is, taking an atmosphere I was already familiar with and adding new things to it.
  • Autistic Arms
    This week I want to talk about an interesting (and rather lighthearted) aspect of autistic life, and that is what we do with our arms! 
  • Weekly Update 10/7/21 – Connections
    This week, I spent a lot of time trying to connect with myself and others.
  • Simple Ways to Bring an Autistic Person Joy
    Today I’m delighted to share some tips with you on how to bring an autistic person joy.
  • Weekly Update 9/30/21 – Something New
    This week, I had a lot of new stuff going on in my life.  It was all good, thankfully, but I still had a little trouble adjusting to the change.
  • Autism and Assertiveness
    Something I’ve noticed is that whether it’s our condition, our circumstances, or a combination of both, autistic people struggle with assertiveness.
  • Weekly Update 9/23/21 – Talent and Tiredness
    Hey guys!  This week, I mainly focused on my acting, but I also had a lot of fatigue… talent and tiredness.  I did my best to balance the two (and more!)
  • Professionals and Poor Treatment
    Today I want to talk about a serious issue a lot of autistic people face, and that is poor treatment by “professionals.”
  • Weekly Update 9/16/21 – Everything and Nothing
    This week, I did a lot until Wednesday came around. I had gone from doing everything to doing nothing.
  • How to Find a Good Job for Autistic People
    How can autistic people find a job that’s right for them?  Here’s some tips I’ve learned throughout the years.
  • Weekly Update 9/9/21 – The Great Escape
    This week, I spent time traveling and daydreaming.  Having an escape allows me to forget about my worries for a little while and focus on new possibilities.
  • Autism and the Pressure to Perform
    There was always something so comforting about acting. What was becoming a problem though was the way people expected me to be after I became an actress.
  • Weekly Update 9/2/21 – Productivity and Patience
    Hey guys!  This week was pretty laid back.  I spent most of it at home, but I did go out a couple times.  I focused a lot on productivity and patience.
  • This Is My Reality
    Forgive me if this all sounds harsh, but this has been building up inside me for far too long and it needs to be said. I do not have a warped sense of reality.
  • Weekly Update 8/26/21 – Taking the Leap
    This week, I spent a lot of time relaxing and taking care of myself.  Wednesday was packed with events.
  • The Importance of Comfort Characters and Media for Autistic People
    Hey everyone!  Today I’m going to discuss comfort characters and media and why they’re especially important for autistic people, as well as share some of mine.
  • Weekly Update 8/19/21 – Autistic Adventures in Shopping
    In general, this week has been spent relaxing and trying to rebuild after a rough time. One of the activities I decided to do was shop.
  • Helpful vs Harmful Ways to Respond When Someone Has Autism
    Today I’m going to explore a topic that I’ve noticed many parents, professionals, peers, and even strangers struggle with, and that is how to respond when an autistic person discloses their diagnosis.
  • Break Strategy for Autistic People
    This is a break strategy for autistic people that’ll help with overstimulation, burnout, or any other challenging situation.
  • Observations about Autistic Communication
    Today I want to share some things I’ve noticed about autistic communication styles that neurotypicals may initially misunderstand or not even be aware of.  These observations are fascinating to me and I’m so excited to share them with you!
  • How Autistic People Experience Pain
    Today I want to delve into a topic that I don’t see discussed very often, and that is how autistic people feel pain.
  • The Big Secret
    There was a secret I used to keep for a long time.  I kept it hidden in the back of my mind, disguised in my behavior, and wiped from every introduction and small-talk conversation I had.  If anyone found out, my fear would absolutely skyrocket.
  • Travel Tips for Autistic People
    Hi everyone!  Today’s blog post is going to be full of travel tips for those of you who are autistic or accompanying an autistic person.  If this sounds interesting to you, read on!
  • Should You Shelter Your Autistic Child?
    An article for parents and caregivers of children with autism about why we might want to shelter them, why it can be harmful, and what we can do instead.
  • Autism and Athleticism
    Hey everyone! This post is about my journey with sports and exercise and how I became physically active without caring about fitting in.
  • What Autistic Food Difficulties Feel Like
    A couple months ago, I wrote a post on Facebook to my friends and family about what autistic food sensory issues are like.  I’m going to repost that here so I can further spread this awareness, and maybe some of you can even relate.
  • How to Make Outfits for Autistic People
    Hey guys!  This blog post is going to be about something each one of us does every day – pick out an outfit.  If you want tips on how to make a style that works for you, read on!
  • Sensory Activities for Autistic People
    Hello everyone!  Today I want to share with you some different sensory activities that can really help you, especially if you are autistic or neurodivergent in another way.

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